Occurrence record: 2ae9d03c-f107-11e9-a0dc-005056010096

HumanObservation of Aeshna juncea recorded on 2017-07-23


Data partner UMS PatriNat (OFB-CNRS-MNHN), Paris
Data resource Observations occasionnelles Parc national des Pyrénées
Institution code Supplied institution code "PNP"
Occurrence ID 2ae9d03c-f107-11e9-a0dc-005056010096
Basis of record HumanObservation
Supplied basis "HUMAN_OBSERVATION"
Identified by Non renseigné (Non renseigné)
Observer Thierry, L. Laporte
Supplied as "Laporte Thierry (CEN-Aq)"
License other
Supplied as CC_BY_NC_4_0
Dataset name Observations occasionnelles Parc national des Pyrénées
Occurrence status unknown
Supplied as Présent
Dataset ID 630EA612-B3CB-42E2-E053-2614A8C0CF63
Abcd identification qualifier Not provided
Identification verification status Probable, high degree of reliability
Typified name DWC_ARCHIVE


Record date 2017-07-23
Supplied date "2017-07-23T00:00:00Z"
Date precision Day
Event ID 2ae9d03c-f107-11e9-a0dc-005056010096


Scientific name Aeshna juncea
Supplied scientific name "Aeshna juncea Linnaeus, 1758"
Original name usage Aeshna juncea (Linnaeus, 1758)
Taxon rank species
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Arthropoda
Class Insecta
Order Odonata
Family Aeshnidae
Genus Aeshna
Species Aeshna juncea
Taxonomic issue noIssue
Name match metric Canonical name match
Name parse type wellformed
Accepted name usage ID 1425221
Name according to TAXREF v12
Taxonomic status ACCEPTED


Country France
Latitude 42.86417
Longitude -0.63388
Geodetic datum EPSG:4326
Coordinate precision Unknown
Coordinate uncertainty in meters 10.0
Footprint well known text POINT (-0.6338799 42.86416747)
County 64
Municipality 64006|Accous
Country code FR

Additional properties

accepted scientific name Aeshna juncea Linnaeus, 1758
accepted taxon key 1425221
class key 216
dataset key c6d289cc-62ee-46e1-9367-515092eed533
family key 4209
gbif id 2580940183
generic name Aeshna
genus key 1425165
has coordinate true
has geospatial issues false
kingdom key 1
last crawled false
last interpreted 2020-03-26T08:16:53.710Z
last parsed 2020-03-26T08:13:49.323Z
order key 789
phylum key 54
protocol 2020-03-26T08:16:53.710Z
publisher UMS PatriNat (OFB-CNRS-MNHN), Paris
publishing country FR
species key 1425221
taxon key 1425221

User flagged issues 

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    Data quality tests

    Test name Result
    unrecognisedOccurrenceStatus Failed
    Geodetic datum assumed WGS84 Warning
    Country inferred from coordinates Warning
    Basis of record not supplied Passed
    Basis of record badly formed Passed
    Invalid collection date Passed
    Incomplete collection date Passed
    First of the month Passed
    Missing name of person who identified the specimen/observation Passed
    Collector name unparseable Passed
    Data are generalised Passed
    Missing taxonomic rank Passed
    Name not supplied Passed
    Kingdom not recognised Passed
    Name not recognised Passed
    Invalid scientific name Passed
    Name not in national checklists Passed
    Decimal coordinates not supplied Passed
    Coordinates are transposed Passed
    Coordinates are out of range for species Passed
    Supplied coordinates are zero Passed
    Zero latitude Passed
    Zero longitude Passed
    Coordinate uncertainty not valid Passed
    Coordinate uncertainty not specified Passed
    Location not supplied Passed
    Supplied coordinates centre of state Passed
    Coordinates centre of country Passed
    Missing geodetic datum Passed
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