Occurrence record: 2ae9d03c-f107-11e9-a0dc-005056010096
Data partner | UMS PatriNat (OFB-CNRS-MNHN), Paris |
Data resource | Observations occasionnelles Parc national des Pyrénées |
Institution code | Supplied institution code "PNP" |
Occurrence ID | 2ae9d03c-f107-11e9-a0dc-005056010096 |
Basis of record |
Supplied basis "HUMAN_OBSERVATION" |
Identified by | Non renseigné (Non renseigné) |
Observer |
Thierry, L. Laporte
Supplied as "Laporte Thierry (CEN-Aq)" |
License | other Supplied as CC_BY_NC_4_0 |
Dataset name | Observations occasionnelles Parc national des Pyrénées |
Occurrence status | unknown Supplied as Présent |
Dataset ID | 630EA612-B3CB-42E2-E053-2614A8C0CF63 |
Abcd identification qualifier | Not provided |
Identification verification status | Probable, high degree of reliability |
Typified name | DWC_ARCHIVE |
Record date |
Supplied date "2017-07-23T00:00:00Z" |
Date precision | Day |
Event ID | 2ae9d03c-f107-11e9-a0dc-005056010096 |
Scientific name |
Aeshna juncea
Supplied scientific name "Aeshna juncea Linnaeus, 1758" |
Original name usage | Aeshna juncea (Linnaeus, 1758) |
Taxon rank | species |
Kingdom | Animalia |
Phylum | Arthropoda |
Class | Insecta |
Order | Odonata |
Family | Aeshnidae |
Genus | Aeshna |
Species | Aeshna juncea |
Taxonomic issue | noIssue |
Name match metric |
Canonical name match
Name parse type | wellformed |
Accepted name usage ID | 1425221 |
Name according to | TAXREF v12 |
Taxonomic status | ACCEPTED |
Country | France |
Latitude | 42.86417 |
Longitude | -0.63388 |
Geodetic datum | EPSG:4326 |
Coordinate precision | Unknown |
Coordinate uncertainty in meters | 10.0 |
Footprint well known text | POINT (-0.6338799 42.86416747) |
County | 64 |
Municipality | 64006|Accous |
Country code | FR |
Additional properties
accepted scientific name | Aeshna juncea Linnaeus, 1758 |
accepted taxon key | 1425221 |
class key | 216 |
dataset key | c6d289cc-62ee-46e1-9367-515092eed533 |
family key | 4209 |
gbif id | 2580940183 |
generic name | Aeshna |
genus key | 1425165 |
has coordinate | true |
has geospatial issues | false |
kingdom key | 1 |
last crawled | false |
last interpreted | 2020-03-26T08:16:53.710Z |
last parsed | 2020-03-26T08:13:49.323Z |
order key | 789 |
phylum key | 54 |
protocol | 2020-03-26T08:16:53.710Z |
publisher | UMS PatriNat (OFB-CNRS-MNHN), Paris |
publishing country | FR |
species key | 1425221 |
taxon key | 1425221 |
Data quality tests
Test name | Result |
unrecognisedOccurrenceStatus | Failed |
Geodetic datum assumed WGS84 | Warning |
Country inferred from coordinates | Warning |
Basis of record not supplied | Passed |
Basis of record badly formed | Passed |
Invalid collection date | Passed |
Incomplete collection date | Passed |
First of the month | Passed |
Missing name of person who identified the specimen/observation | Passed |
Collector name unparseable | Passed |
Data are generalised | Passed |
Missing taxonomic rank | Passed |
Name not supplied | Passed |
Kingdom not recognised | Passed |
Name not recognised | Passed |
Invalid scientific name | Passed |
Name not in national checklists | Passed |
Decimal coordinates not supplied | Passed |
Coordinates are transposed | Passed |
Coordinates are out of range for species | Passed |
Supplied coordinates are zero | Passed |
Zero latitude | Passed |
Zero longitude | Passed |
Coordinate uncertainty not valid | Passed |
Coordinate uncertainty not specified | Passed |
Location not supplied | Passed |
Supplied coordinates centre of state | Passed |
Coordinates centre of country | Passed |
Missing geodetic datum | Passed |
Show/Hide 10 missing properties | |
Show/Hide 47 tests that have not been run |